<< The Girl>>
ngeeann polytechnic
17 yrs old
TV addict
loves Taiwan,Korean,Jap dramas

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<< Memories>>
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
July 2006
August 2006
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

<< Credits>>
Cursors by dorischu

<< Rants>>


Sunday, October 30, 2005

sianz...todae went to sch for e open hse thingy n it was so borin nth do there sianz...sat there playin com games then ew came to ask me if i seen dl haha so funny...i think they got smth between them hehe...then she nvr dao me n she decided not to dao me le haha...havin a bad headache then still need go for art class borin sia...sat there playin my hp, mh n her sis not there damm borin... e weather so hot n stuffy...hiaz... sianz...nth to do...jus realise tt im realli crazy over my date with vampire 3 haha...many ppl might think im mad when they saw me on e streets hehe... decided to play with my image in malaysia n dressed like ma xiao ling mayb i can mayb cannot but one thing i noe is tt i need medcine coz im crazy... haha...hiaz... todae argue with mum n dad over my results...they r always naggin... so irratatin. wad right does my dad hav to b concerned over my results n studies n nag at me when he do not noe anythin abt education n do not even noe pets course bk is e eng bk for primary student last time... always playin badminton when i havin exams when im young now then act concerned... he hav no right to control my life!!! stop here for todae:)

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12:48 PM;

Saturday, October 29, 2005

hiaz...morning go ask elaine abt e m&m tickets thingy then she forget to dao me...haha she go voluteer e facilator thingy hx sae she dun look like one hehe hiaz...got back e report book n e same old comment...hiaz e comment nvr change one always ask me to interact more with friends wad mus join in e grp discussions...sianz...todae last dae of sch le but sec three still hav 2 weeks of supp class...hiaz...sianz sia...hiaz tml still need go sch sianz... need go for wad open hse...sianz no money mayb goin workin but now nvr talk with elaine le hiaz how to go work sianz...still in a kinda bad mood...
im crazy over my date with a vampire 3... haha trying to learn their actions n word i so crazy over them im mad!!!this few dae veri sian especially after i got back report book haiz bl got 4th, audrey got 5th n sz got 6th haiz they all so clever so more bl n sz from normal go express one leh i so dumb no t only a html dummy also a stupid gurl sianz... duno wad type of future i hav duno which jc or poly i can go with a L1R5 of 34 hiaz...i do supid
conclusion>>> ky is a stupid girl hu make ppl feel buay song
...hiaz stop here le

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12:35 PM;

Friday, October 28, 2005

sianx...argue with ew now she wan dao me hiaz wad to do i did nth wrong wad!!! apologise to her she also dun accept still sae wad one give zhan shu she siao one tml last dae le so happy goin home slp yea:) hiaz...havin a kinda bad headache duno y...sianx she todae nvr come sch again then sz n audrey n hf plus me playing bingo n a new game called bingoo...sian then purple toliet came in n nag us...so sianz...hiaz... todae read ew blog n found out tt he scan this pic of family tree into com n put it online...hiaz but i cant be bothered by it...its no big deal wad...sianx still in a kinda bad mood...haiz...todae went visit hx then she help me with my blog thingy quite happy... hiaz... nth do now only sighin...sianx lar...stop here le smilez :)

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11:03 AM;

Thursday, October 27, 2005

hiaz...i got in to 1st class with siew zi in chinese n ms lie goin to teach us duno shld b happy or sad jus noe im in a kinda bad mood now...duno lar still quite upset with e yesterdae e buay song thingy did not tok to ew at all todae...sianz...havin quite a fun time in sch with audrey n siew zi n huifang playing bingo. hiaz...got this stupid firedrill todae in sch somemore field is wet n muddy n raining. ms long still want us squat down hiaz sianz...everybody leg cramp...so unfair all students squatin down n e teachers were standin happily 'havin a party'...hiaz todae damm bad luck... in sch trip down, knock against e wall then after tuition saw a cat frightened i fall down hiaz...damm bad luck lar duno wad to do... no mood to do anything jus now tokin to my cousin on msn jus now n maunchin on e spicy prawn crackers n did not realise i finish 3/4 of e packet hiaz...no mood lar ... sinaz...stop here le

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12:43 PM;

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

fine!!!now then i noe so many of ew classmates find me buay song. i already find r's expressions veri strange so she realli dun like me n find me buay song!!! hiaz wad did i do all i did was to be myself might as well ask me kill myself then everybody will not c me then buay song...hiaz feel so moody now hiaz...i bet e teachers also find me buay song hiaz...gim hua keep pickin on me how??? hiaz feel like shuttin myself from e world n jus be myself alone n happy no need care abt ppl's feelings just be me e only me lky n then into my dreamland without mum n dad controllin my face enterin e world of mine n dream for all i want...hiaz...duno lar now my mind so complicated i realli so bad mehmake ppl c le buay song wad can i do???hiaz duno lar watch finish e my date with vampire 3...sianz must i act nice like ew, make cards to ppl sae farewell, gd luck, act guai n shy dun play stand still...hiaz if mus like tt i rather be myself n let ppl c me then buay song hiaz she also everytime discourage me suan me pang seh me hiaz i duno lar so not happy... haiz can only cry silently n dun let my parents noe i sad hiaz...nobody will understand my feelings n noe wad im thinkin...hiaz write a lot le stop here liao...
decision made:be myself n let myself b happy n let ppl feel buay song i cant let everybody feel 'song' but i feelin upset n angry
smilex...goin into my dreamland n away from e world

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11:41 AM;

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

yippee!!!mdm koh came back to teach us although it is only for e last few daes but zhan is not teaching us anymore. hip hip horray!!!this is such a great piece of news for everybody. todae went to temasek poly for e wad opening ceremony of e engineerin week. hiaz... it was quite borin there n me, sz n zx played 2 rounds of bingo then watch e performances. e breakdancing was e best among all...hiaz... filled in e quiz but did not win any of e movie tickets/mp3 player or
i-pod... hiaz one of my classmates won a mp3 player n a pair of movie tickets so lucky!!! sianz... left one more disc to e end of my date with vampire 3 n then will be watchin full house le yeah hehe todae in quite a happy mode but quite tired... gonna slp le stop here then :)

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12:31 PM;

Monday, October 24, 2005

hiaz...yesterday midnite then reach home. went to SGH to visit my uncle n stay there until abt 11 plus hiaz...saw a few ppl bein push into e operation theatre n their family members cryin outside hiaz...realise how fragile life is... one of them was knocked down by a car near chinatown haiz...i realise we got to treasure our time in e world n live life to e fullest cause we may die any minute (like hit by a car, hit by a fallin object from e flat) choi choi touch wood hiaz went to mph n bought a sketch book to prepare to kill my time in malaysia hiaz...yesterdae went out e whole dae only watch a disc of my date with a vampire 3 sianz goin to watch le stop here le

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1:23 AM;

Sunday, October 23, 2005

hiaz...such a hot n boring day at home sianx...still hav to go for art lessons hiaz...finally noe how to get a tagboard le but still tryin hard to understand e html thingy...hiaz mayb i shld jus admit tt im a html dummyjus finish watchin my date with a vampire 3- disc 22... hiaz...sianz duno wad to do durin e holidaes hiaz...spend e whole morning at home watchin vcds n tv...hiaz realli duno wad to do so borin...goin out to visit my rude uncle later in e evening n then go shoppin in chinatown. hiaz...actually i go visit my uncle is only for e sake of goin shoppin in chinatown... hiaz...jus hope tt i could get something nice n great after goin shoppin...sianz...

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6:12 AM;

Saturday, October 22, 2005

hiax...wad e heck. kana bully by hx n e*lame again...hiaz i so hopeless duno how to do this stupid blog thingy sianz...trying so hard to understand e wad html...haiz trying to prove to e*lame tt im not a html dummy!!! so boring duno go sch for wad also cannot get anything into my head kinda sianz... haiz...at least im quite happy 2 noe tt i no need take a-maths re-exam le...bet e teachers r unhappy with our results cox they keep scolding us so naggy...i cant be bothered by them all i care is my date with a vampire 3... hiaz... stop here for now :)

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12:20 PM;

Friday, October 21, 2005

im in such a bad mood todae haiz...got back home from sch n heard this rude uncle of mine got into hospital hiaz...duno if i should feel happy a not leh. if i feel happy i seems to be veri bad leh but i realli hate him alot leh. he made me cry durin chinese new yr somemore spoil my mood but hor he like realli pathetic leh need to stay in hospital somemore like veri serious leh. hiaz duno lar...so upset my class got a few ppl kana retain feel so sad for them...hiaz todae is such a borin dae play many rounds of bingo with sz n audrey... hiaz... she angry with sz again...she care so much abt sz as if like bgr relationship like tt...haha is sz c this she gonna laugh her head off...i jus hope tt things get better between them n us...hiaz duno lar...i realli dun understand y must life be so complicated...hiaz...sianz always kana 'bully' by ew n hx...thye r always pullin my rubberband...they better watch out i won't let them climb on my head... hey ew n hx u both give me remember !!! one last important thing to e*lame im not a HTML dummy !!!

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10:59 AM;

Thursday, October 20, 2005

haiz a borin dae at home and still need go for this stupid tuition tt spoil my dae even more. sianz nth do except watch my date with vampire III. im crazy over ma xiao ling and kuang tian you... hehe im jus crazii over them they rox!!! i feel so bad abt myself doin so badly 4 exams yet havin e mood to watch vcds but i really could not help it. the shows r so nice duno which JC i can go next yr with such bad, lousy results... hiaz... stop here for now... haiz..

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11:17 AM;